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Payment and Privacy Policy

PayPal Acceptance Mark

Payment Information

  • PayPal and Credit Card Payments

    Payments can be made via PayPal. Visa/Mastcard payments can be made during the Paypal checkout.

  • Money Order/Bank Cheque

    (Australian Customers only)

    You can place an order choosing the "Money Order" or "Bank Cheque" option on the payment details form.
    Make your Money Order or Bank Cheque out to 'The Giving Life Foundation' and mail it to the following address:

    The Giving Life Foundation
    P O Box 898
    Sanctuary Cove 4212

    Please write your order number written on the back of your Money Order or Bank Cheque. This will speed up the processing of your order.

  • Direct Deposit

    (Australian Customers only)

    You can place an order choosing the "Direct Deposit" option on the payment details form.
    Deposit the payment at your local bank branch, via telephone banking or internet banking with the following details:

    Westpac SWIFT code: WPACAU2S
    Please note there is an additional $30 AUD fee for International Money Transfers so please add this amount to your order total.

    Bank: Westpac
    BSB: 034279, Account: 384894
    Account Name: The Giving Life Foundation

    Please provide your name and order number with your deposit (If using Internet banking you can place this in the Message/Reference field when making the transfer).

    We regularly check but sometimes it can take up to 48 hours for your payment to appear in our account.

Security Information

  • We do not retain credit card details in our system. All credit card details are processed by the ANZ banking group limited in a secure environment.
  • IP addresses are captured with each order and will be used for tracking in the event of a fraudulent transaction.
  • See Shop Terms and Conditions for more information.

SSL Encryption

  • We use industry standard 128-bit SSL encryption during Payment to ensure that your credit card transactions are kept secure.


  • We collect information about you for two reasons: firstly, to process your order and second, to provide you with the best possible service.
  • We care about your privacy and we believe we have taken all reasonable steps to ensure your information is kept private. Credit Cards details are only used for the duration of the transaction.
  • The Aquarium Shop Australia complies with the Spam Act and we will not onsell your email address.
  • The personal information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and the law.
  • If you have any questions/comments about privacy, please contact us.


  • Cookies are small pieces of information that is sent to your browser when you access a website. The use of cookies is an industry standard and they are used on most major websites to personalise and/or enhance your experience in some way.
  • On our website we use cookies to remember that you have logged in before. This saves having to log in each time you would like to place a new order.
  • If you are concerned about the potential use of information gathered from your computer by cookies, you can set your browser to prompt you before it accepts a cookie. Most Internet browsers have settings that let you identify and/or reject cookies.
  • Want to change your browsers cookie settings? See

See Shop Terms and Conditions for more information.

Copyright (c) 2025 The Aquarium Shop All rights reserved.