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Terms and Conditions


  • Please inspect your parcel carefully before accepting and signing the delivery docket. If the parcel looks to be damaged from the outside then please don't sign the docket and contact us as soon as possible.
  • We reserve the right to refuse any order or any part of an order.
  • Some orders to P O Box or Parcel locker addresses may incur extra shipping charges. We will contact you if this is the case.
  • Any fraudulent or suspicious activity will be reported to the relevant authorities.
  • We care about your privacy and we believe we have taken all reasonable steps to ensure your information is kept private. Credit Cards details are only used for the duration of the transaction and not kept on file. More about security.
  • Care has been taken to ensure that our information is accurate and reliable but we can not be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
  • All prices are in Australian dollars and correct at the time of purchase but are subject to change without notice.
  • All prices are GST exempt i.e. we do not charge GST. We are a private, not for profit, non government organisation.
  • Backorder items are subject to price variation at the time of purchase.  We will contact you if there has been an increase to check if you are okay to proceed.
  • Care has been taken to provide an image for each product where possible. However they are shown for illustration purposes only and are not necessarily an accurate representation of the actual product purchased.
  • In rural and regional areas of Australia, delivery times to final destinations may take longer. If in doubt please check with your local Post Office. More about delivery.
  • Local Delivery items will incur extra costs and we will give you a quote once we are supplied with a postcode.

Authority to Leave

By selecting 'Yes' at the checkout page (or if you selected this option over the telephone), The Aquarium Shop Australia will leave your parcel at your unattended premises in accordance with your instructions.

You agree that the parcel is deemed received when left at your premises.

The Aquarium Shop Australia (The Giving Life Foundation) and contractors associated with the delivery, do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage which results from this Authority to Leave delivery method. You agree to release The Aquarium Shop Australia (The Giving Life Foundation) from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses, including financial and other consequential losses, made, suffered or incurred by you or any other person or entity as a result of this Authority to Leave.

Copyright (c) 2025 The Aquarium Shop All rights reserved.