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Aquarium Water Conditioners and Purifiers / Biotope PF2 Plant Fertiliser 500mL

Biotope PF2 Plant Fertiliser 500mL

Item # 2PFX0500


Weekly Fertiliser Plant Supplement. Treats up to 20000 up to Litres


Biotope PF2 and CO2 enriched water.

Carbon dioxide injection – Increased concentrations of carbon dioxide increases photosynthesis, stimulating rapid plant growth, Biotope PF2 specialised formular fertilises plants to accommodate the growth spurred on by the increased concentration of CO2.

Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and iron – Biotope PF2 weekly plant fertiliser contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and iron, along with many other supplements, but it is these 4 supplements that are rapidly used when CO2 is injected into the water, however the demand on these elements can vary depending on other factors, the plant species, the mix of plants rooted or cutting plants, hours and the amount of light, number of water changes, number of fish.

Adding extra nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and iron – Biotope NKPFe

Biotope NKPFe  is most effective when used in conjunction with Biotope PF2 but should only added as required, if the plants are healthy with strong growth the addition of NKPFe is not required, this would indicate that the plants are thriving on a weekly dose of Biotope PF2


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